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Clacbitou is a cylindrical shaped, unpasteurised goat's cheese from the South of Burgundy, it has a short history compared to most cheeses, having only came into existence around 20 years ago. Our Clacbitou is made in Southern Burgundy by La Racotiere, who exclusively produce this cheese. They collect milk from farmers and mature the cheeses in a modern warehouse. The curd is drained over-night and the cheese is matured for about 3-4 weeks. When fresh, the rind is clean and white, and as it matures a blue mold will begin to develop. The nose is mushroomy, reminiscent of wet wood and forest floor. The paste is chalky and salty.

Weight : Approximately 250g

Ingredients : Milk (goat's), Salt, Traditional rennet. Unpasteurised.

Allergens : Milk


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    UK SHIPPING - We offer shipping across all the UK, including cheese!

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